
What's in a blog name?

Ars nexus rerum: art as the nexus of all things. 
The connection between artists, artwork and public arising by what we share, by what we have and by what we miss. By what we seek, by what we desire. By who we are and by our heritage, from the little things of everyday life to beliefs. A net of memories, words, objects we share, make, enjoy, eat...
Living involves us reaching out for the Other, delving inside ourselves. We wander, wonder, merge, clash, take, give in the process of our travels, meetings, partings. We're flowers searching for nourishment and light. Stars trailing brightly as we fall. Creatures of gravity seeking to soar. 
In our quest we get scars, patch our selves as we carry on. We bleed images and words and sounds.We're burning streams, glowing seams. Layers of reality shining through the cracks, flowing through the gaps. In other words, kintsugi.  In other words... sukiHarmony. Or, to say it with good ol' Plato, the root of Love.    

            NEXUS  noun \ˈnek-sÉ™s\  plural nex·us·es or nex·us
1: connection, link; also : a causal link
2: a connected group or series
 SEAM noun \ˈsÄ“m\

1 a : the joining of two pieces (as of cloth or leather) by sewing usually near the edge
   b : the stitching used in such a joining
2: the space between adjacent planks or strakes of a ship
3 a : a line, groove, or ridge formed by the abutment of edges
   b : a thin layer or stratum (as of rock) between distinctive layers; also : a bed of valuable    mineral and especially coal irrespective of thickness
   c : a line left by a cut or wound
4 : a weak or vulnerable area or gap
         transitive verb
1 a : to join by sewing
   b : to join as if by sewing (as by welding, riveting, or heat-sealing)
2: to mark with lines suggesting seams
intransitive verb
: to become fissured or ridgy
STREAM  noun \ˈstrÄ“m\
1: a body of running water flowing on the earth; also : any body of flowing fluid
2 a : a steady succession (as of words or events)
   b : a constantly renewed or steady supply 
   c : a continuous moving procession 
3: an unbroken flow (as of gas or particles of matter)
4: a ray of light
5: (...) a dominant influence or line of development <the influence of two streams of inheritance: genetic and cultural — P. B. Baltes>
-Middle English streme, from Old English strēam; akin to Old High German stroum stream, Greek rhein to flow

intransitive verb
1 a : to flow in or as if in a stream
   b : to leave a bright trail
2 a : to exude a bodily fluid profusely
3: to trail out at full length
4: to pour in large numbers 
transitive verb
1: to emit freely or in a stream
2: to display (as a flag) by waving
                   Source: Merriam-Webster online dictionary